In the New Testament, the apostle Paul expresses this thought: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). That is also the triumphant song of Job, a song of faith in a God who redeems even in our deepest pain and suffering.

Read Job 1 and consider to following questions. What evidence do we have that Job was “perfect” and “upright”? Why is it critical to the story that we consider him in such a way? What is the difference between a person who is upright and a person who is sinless? The events in Job took place during the Patriarchal Age when a large family was seen as a blessing from God. How is this worldview at that time significant in the message of Job? What would it look like to be played out in our culture given the priorities of our worldview today?
