Injustice in our world should lead us to a sense of urgency with regard to the gospel. Successful people die in their sins because their prosperity makes them think they are ok. Impoverished people die in their sins because they think they are not worthy of salvation. The church has a message for both, and that message is the necessity of the gospel for the rich and the hope of the gospel for the poor.

Recently, our church spent a few weeks working through a series called “Who’s Your One?” We challenged everyone to identify the people in your spheres of influence that might benefit from hearing the gospel. Let’s use this week to consider the urgency of the gospel that has been entrusted to us. Are you still praying for gospel conversations? Have you invited your one to church or into your home? Job shows us the necessity of the gospel for every circumstance of life. Your wealthy, self-sufficient friends need the gospel. Your impoverished, struggling friends need the gospel. Pray that God would give you the courage to take the gospel to your family, friends, and coworkers.
