Ephesians helps us not only understand the doctrinal truths of salvation, but the practical implications of salvation as well. When we actively put on a Christian wardrobe, we are committing to intentionally think daily about Jesus’ kindness, love, and forgiveness towards us. Doing so will change us. It will make us look like Him.

Read Ephesians 4:17-32 again. Consider how Paul presents the idea of personal change. Does it happen by trying harder or by becoming a new creation? Explore the theological reasons that provide a foundation for each of the ethical expectations in verses 25-32. Explore how each of these practical examples of a Christian wardrobe are reflected in the life of Jesus. Take some time to think through the differences between righteous anger and unrighteous anger and evaluate which one is more on display in your life. What is your philosophy of work and how does verse 28 inform your opinion about it? Identify ways that you may have grieved the Spirit and take time to seek forgiveness. While seeking forgiveness, ask God to show you places where you need to extend forgiveness.
