Right now, we only get glimpses of the kingdom as we anticipate the return of Jesus. But Jesus allows those glimpses to provide newness in our walk with Him every day. He restores and renews our spiritual health. He challenges our way of thinking. He gives us an adventure if we respond to His call.

For further reflection: Some Pharisees fasted to show they were deeply concerned about spiritual matters. How is this commendable? How were they mistaken? Some people fast to earn God’s favor or to get Him to act on their behalf. How is that a mistake? What would it look like for us to celebrate with the living bridegroom? How does rejoicing in our life with a living Savior fit in with fasting and praying for Jesus’ return? How is our life before Jesus like an old garment that cannot be merely patched up? How is our relationship with God in Christ like new wine that cannot be contained within our old way of life.
