In need of prayer?

We would love to pray with you. Please complete our prayer request form and our staff and church family will pray for you this week.  Prayer requests will be removed from the list after 30 days unless otherwise requested.  

Submit a prayer request>

Updated November 4, 2024

Church Family


We extend our deepest sympathies to the family of Al Buie, who passed away on October October 26, 2024.  Visitation will be held at Gateway Forest Lawn on Tuesday, October 29 from5:00pm-7:00pm with the funeral service at Parkview Baptist Church on Wednesday, October 30 at 11:00am.


We extend our deepest sympathies to the family of Billy Strickland, who passed away on October 24, 2024. Visitation will be held at Gateway Forest Lawn on Wednesday, October 30 from 5:00pm-7:00pm with the funeral service at Parkview Baptist Church on Thursday, October 31 at 11:00am.


We extend our deepest sympaties to Lee Minson and family on the loss of his father, Eddie Minson.


Hospital | Rehab

Ed Fuller, Lake City VA Hospital (11/2/24)

Jimmy Musser- Solaris (10/28/24)


Nursing Homes | Assisted Living

Justin Bringman, Daniel's Redemption, High Springs

Clyde Cain, Stoneridge Retirement

Bruce Naylor, Rehab

Grace Stafford, Solaris

Sue Strickland, The Canopy

Arlene Morey, Willowbrook


Prayers Requested




Haylie Lee Brinkley, Betty Brown and family, Bill Cannon, Mary Kay Carte, Dave Davenport, Levy DeAndrade, Jackie Douglas, David Dunn and Family, Jackie Dickson and father, Fran Freeman, Billy and Anna Friar, Mark Goodson, Judy Hall, Chuck Hanna, Diane Harrell, Clifford Harris, Ronnie Hartzog, Andy Huddleston, Tom Johnson, Barbara Leslie, B.J. Ley, Lyn Lones, Sylvia Lynch, Virginia and Milo Miles, Shirley Mullens, Jim Musser, Mark Nodes, Carolyn Norris, Diane Perry, Ann Phillips, Gaye Pippins, Jim Purvis, Margie Register, Andrew Sherrer, Ethel Stiles, Janet Stone, John Tatem, Carolyn and Jim Wells, Eleanor Wood, Carolyn Woodruff.

Extended Family and Community

Hospital | Rehab



Nursing Homes

Ruth Coffee, Solaris

Mary Jessen, Solaris

Kenny Merriken, VA Domiciliary

Merle Morgan, Nursing Home

Wanda Parker, Avalon

Helen Jane Pridgen, The Canopy


Prayers Requested


Libby Hyde 

Tracy Ogden 
