True Worship

Every reader must decide what destiny is most desired: (a) the joy of living in the wonderful
kingdom of God before the very presence of His glory or (b) enduring the sword, fire, and worm
of God’s judgment. The first choice comes with life-changing challenges and requires a complete
commitment to trust God. Only those who love and serve God are able to enter His kingdom.
(Smith, New American Commentary, 753.)
Take some time to consider the implications of the glory and majesty and infinite greatness of
our God who cannot be contained inside a temple made with human hands. Why must we seek
to understand that God made everything even those things that we offer back to Him as a
sacrifice in worship. What does it take for God to look favorably on us? What do these verses tell
us about the outward acts of worship? What has the potential to make worship that was
prescribed by God (specific sacrifices for specific purposes) false worship? Is true worship about
outward actions and performance or is it more a matter of humble lifestyle and obedient hearts?
How does the concept of a new heaven and new earth bring you comfort and joy? What should
the prospect of hell for those who refuse to trust God mean for you? How do we develop a gospel
lifestyle that allows us to enjoy life and serve Christ’s mission at the same time?