On Memorial Day, we remember the sacrifice of lives made on our behalf, lives given in battle so that we might enjoy the freedoms protected by our constitution. In the physical remembrances of the gospel, baptism and communion, we remember the once-for-all sufficient and final sacrifice made by our Savior and Lord, so that we might enjoy the freedom of fellowship with God for which we were originally created. We praise the name of the one who makes life possible for us all. We praise the name of Jesus.

For further consideration:

Why does the author use the language of the heavens to explain the sacrifice of Christ? Why is Christ’s death as a singular event central to the Christian faith? How does it differ from Old Testament sacrifices? What is the common theme running throughout chapter 9 that describes the reason for the first coming of Jesus? What will be different about His return? Why does the author draw a comparison between man’s death and that of Christ? How is His death similar to ours, and more importantly, how is His death different from ours? How is Christs’ first coming meant to help you endure in your faith? How does the promise of His second coming help you endure? What would you expect to see in the life of someone who is eagerly waiting for the return of Christ
