God has created us to enjoy the life He’s given us. We are to enjoy the success God gives through work that glorifies Him. If we view our work only from a secular perspective, it will frustrate us and leave us empty. But when we view our work the way Jesus viewed His work, with an eternal and kingdom perspective, we begin to understand that work is a gift from God.

Consider Colossians 3:23, “Whatever you do, do it from the heart, as something done for the Lord and not for people.” It is amazing what a change of perspective can do for us, especially when it comes to our work. What are some ways that we can develop the right perspective of work? Consider the following this week: 1) Be thankful. Acknowledge that the job you have and the work you do is from God and give Him thanks for it. 2) Rest. Balance your work with rest. Your work is important, but it should never consume you. 3) Work for Christ. Don’t just think about the things you do; consider the people you interact with. Look for ways to point to Christ in your work-related relationships.
