In his defense of the resurrected Jesus, Paul says, “If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men the most pitiable” (1 Cor 15:19, NKJV). A resurrected Jesus means that we have hope in both this life and the next. God’s power helps us live this life in a way that reflects His glory. God’s promises help us see beyond this life and trust that no matter how good we make it in this world, God has prepared for us something even better. The hope of Christ in us is real because of the nature of God’s trustworthiness and unchangeableness.

For further consideration:
How does the confidence in believers addressed in Hebrews 6:9-20 complement the severe warning that precedes it? Why is the author so confident of better things for the believer sin this church? What are some practical ways that you are (or can be) involved in serving other within the church, and how can we as a church serve and work with other churches? What is the evidence of a heart that receives the gospel as opposed on that rejects it? What does it look like for us to imitate the faith and patience of Abraham? How does God’s unchangeableness encourage you to run to Him in times of trouble or temptation? What are some tangible ways that the truth of God’s Word has anchored your soul and encouraged you to hold to the hope set before you in Christ?
