Faith on Display in Hard Times
God could keep some of those trials away from us. He could cut us away from them early. But he
knows that the only way to survive on the other side is to let us struggle and fight our way through
the trial. We count trials as joy because we will be better for it in the end. We become more
productive for the kingdom. We bear more fruit. We become stronger in our faith when we
endure the trials that come our way.
What is an important lesson you have learned after coming through a tough experience? What
are some common trials people experience in our world today? What are some spiritual benefits
we stand to gain from experiencing trials? What are some obstacles to seeking God’s wisdom
during a difficult time? How does a view of eternity change the way you respond to trials? IN your
prayer time, thank God for the ways He has matured you through your trials. Ask Him to help you
recognize His work in your life during hard times.