Everyday Christianity

We get sideways in our walk with Christ when we begin to fear the things of this world rather than trusting in the goodness of God’s provision. It is much easier to say than to actually live out, but the principles of everyday Christianity allow us to be confident that even if we lost everything, we would still be ok as long as we endure in the faith. It reminds us that everything that can be taken away will one day be taken away. We, however, have everything we need in Christ, and we can love people, honor marriage, and enjoy contentment because we serve a God who loves us and cares for us.
For further consideration: Why is it important to remember that the book of Hebrews is a letter written to a congregation of individuals? How would that thinking affect the way you approach this final chapter? What makes brotherly love a distinctly Christian love? How is showing hospitality a demonstration of brotherly love? What can you do to simplify your life so that you might begin to show hospitality to others? What steps can we take to remember those who are most often neglected or forgotten? Why is it important to present the biblical commands regarding marriage and sexuality in a positive form (“do this”) rather than a negative form (“don’t do this”)? What can you do to keep yourself free form the love of money? What does contentment look like to you? How do we live with the priority of the gospel evident in our lives