All That Remains

The gospel isn’t merely fire insurance. The gospel is Christ’s abundant mercy saving us from the holy wrath we rightfully deserve. The fact that God is a consuming fire should stoke our reverence and awe of Him. It should remind us that of the severe and eternal consequences of failing to turn to Christ in faith and repentance. We must not fail as the Israelites did. We must persevere until the end. We have been challenged to live in light of that which cannot be lost, the unshakable kingdom of God. We gain what we cannot lose by trusting in God’s grace, listening to God’s word, and living in reverent awe of who He is.
For further consideration: How is God speaking in the new covenant different from his speaking in the old covenant? Why should it be important for us to remember that our God is a God who speaks to His people? What does it mean to reject His words? How is the word that God has spoken through Jesus a message of both grace and judgment? Do you think the writer overstates His case by using string words as refuse and escape? Why do we need to include the topic of God’s wrath in our gospel conversations? How should the promise of God’s impending judgment motivate us to live holy lives and to continue relying on His word today? Why must reverence and awe characterize Christian and Christian worship? How does picturing God as a consuming fire help us respond to Him with obedience and faith?