We can start at any age to show God the reverence, love, and obedience He is due, which the Bible calls “the fear of the God.” The Bible further tells us that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. So, if we have true reverence for God and we speak from the wisdom God has given us, then we can be truly wise, regardless of our calendar age.

Do you think it is possible for God to use people of different ages to teach people of different ages? Do you believe that a younger generation can teach us anything or are you more inclined to think that they have little or nothing to offer? Compared to what Scripture teaches, how wise is that approach to life and wisdom? We often complain about the disrespect of the younger generation. Where do you think they learned to be arrogant and disrespectful? What can you do to instill wisdom and spiritual maturity in the next generation of Christians, while at the same time, capture their love for Christ and passion for His kingdom? What needs to change in your routine that would allow you to speak wisdom into the lives of those younger than you?
