Believer’s must face the challenge daily of applying godly wisdom in an ungodly culture. In many ways we have let our guard down and allowed wrong words, wrong thoughts, and wrong ideas into our hearts. These things have impacted our relationship with God and our ability to carry out His work. But the kindness of God leads us to repentance and He still has a purpose and a plan for each of us. He is willing to purify our hearts, restore our relationships, and use us for His glory. If we are willing to let Him.

Are there things in your life that need to be realigned with God’s will and wisdom for you? Since wisdom is Christ, what does it mean to marry Wisdom? How is Solomon’s exhortation for his son to listen to him different from what we hear in today’s culture? How can you as a parent or grandparent speak truth into the life of your child or grandchild? Solomon encourages his son to “give ear” or listen to what he is saying. Why is what we listen to so important and how should that shape what we listen to individually and as a family?
