The gospel intends to cleanse our hands and purify our hearts to the point where we are able to ask God to help us love Him more today than we did yesterday and to love our neighbors more today than we did yesterday. By God’s grace and the power of a renewed heart and born again spirit, we are able to not only not indulge lust, but we can actively seek through the sharing of that gospel the restoration of the dignity of those who have suffered from the consequences of lustful desires.

For further consideration:

Take some time to read Genesis 2:18-25 and Ephesians 5:22-25. What does the Genesis passage reveal about the nature and purpose of the marriage relationship? How does Paul show that union as a symbol of Christ and His church? In what ways does the seventh commandment extend beyond just “cheating on your spouse?” What does the Bible prescribe for dealing with temptations to sexual sin? By what means are we restored once the marriage covenant is broken?
