Every now and then we will talk with someone who is going through an intense trial and that person will ask, “why is this happening to me?” The answer we find most often in Scripture is that God is either causing or allowing this trial to occur in order to wean us from dependence on people and things. He wants us to find our resources, our strength in God alone. He sometimes has to separate us from the crutches we lean on so that we will find our support solely in Him.

In his first speech (Job 4-5) Eliphaz had displayed some kindness toward Job, but in his second speech, there is neither. How easy is it for us ramp up our own criticism of others when the first round of criticism doesn’t give us the change or the answer we are looking for? How often do we find ourselves saying the same thing, only louder, in order to force our point? How often do we continue to think unobjectively about a situation because we do not want to have to admit we are wrong? When was the last time you said something hurtful to or about someone in order to feel better about yourself or a decision you made? Have you ever tried to make it right with that person?
