The only proper response to the Sovereign Lord and His Messiah is to bow the knee. We bow to the King because God’s sovereign plan for the world is centered on King Jesus. His plan is to exalt the Son and through Him redeem (place back into a right relationship with Him) people from every nation, ethnicity, and language. Anyone who repents of sin and believes in Jesus will be saved and become a part of God’s plan for the world.

Why do you think people have such a difficult time accepting the sovereignty of God? Does a verse like Proverbs 21:1 make you feel uncomfortable and restricted, or does it free you to live in confidence and peace? In what ways can you practically commit your plans to the Lord? How do you rationalize or justify sinful choices? When it comes to righteousness, what is your standard? Do you find that you compare your actions with others, or do you compare them against the perfect standards of God? What does it look like to daily bow the knee to King Jesus? Does anything about your attitude need to change in corporate worship so that you will identify doctrines such as the sovereignty of God in the songs that we sing?
