When we embrace the gospel and begin walking with Christ, He doesn’t just give us the wisdom we need to live righteously. He has become wisdom for us so that when we walk with Christ, we walk with Wisdom. With all of the information available to us, with Google at our fingertips, it is easy to think we can lean on our own understanding and our own ability to know things. But the gospel calls us to pursue God and the wisdom He offers, and we learn very quickly that Christ is the only wisdom worth possessing.

Wisdom comes in conjunction with our walk with Christ. Let’s be intentional about our walk with Him this week. On a clear night, go outside and look at the stars. Read Genesis 1 and Psalm 8 and consider the beauty and majesty of God who loves us enough to create the cosmos for us. Memorize Proverbs 3:5-6 and be reminded that we are to lean on God and trust in His wisdom rather than our own. Think about the practical ways that makes a life of wisdom more sensible than a life of foolishness. Think about the spiritual significance of a life with Christ as opposed to a life without Him.
