The resurrection of Jesus allows us to look beyond the limitations of our sinful nature. It reminds us that God will not be contained by cultural expectations or humanistic philosophies. This life is not all there is. There is a life to come beyond the pain and suffering of this life. The meaning of this life is not that we should just live in the moment. This life is a school for the soul that prepares us for an eternity with God. The suffering and testing of this life are meant to prepare us for the real life to come.

Consider how often you tend to live in the moment. When you make decisions, do you tend to make them based on short-term needs or are they made with the future in mind? How can we enjoy life in the moment while keeping an eye on the future? What are some temporary things that hinder our view of eternity? What are some earthly things that we need to lay down for the sake of the eternal gospel? Is there a habit that has become a stumbling block to the gospel? Is your social media filled with posts that reflect a priority on the present or do they lead people to think about eternity in heaven? What are some ways that you will cultivate eternity in your heart and mind this week?
