One of the primary truths that we must remember when reading a passage like this is that while we are preparing for and fighting spiritual battles, the war has already been won. At the cross, Christ accomplished all the victory we will ever need. He is Lord and all authority in heaven and on earth has already been given to Him. We continue to fight the battles because there are still people who haven’t yet heard, “It is finished.”

How has your Christian journey informed your view of spiritual warfare? Do you tend to make too much or too little of the devil’s aims and power? What effect does any misunderstanding of the devil’s place in God’s universe have on your view of life and your fight against sin? Do you tend to be cruel and unloving towards those who are being influenced by Satan? Are you indifferent to them? Are you still willing to share the gospel with those who mock the church or your faith in Jesus? What needs to change, if anything, in your attitude towards the culture in order for you to maintain an openness that may lead to a gospel conversation in the future? Have you taken the time to repent of attitudes that have cut off your ability to share the gospel with someone?
