Jesus never compromised the truth in His encounters with the culture. He didn’t resort to reckless remarks or Christian clichés to make His point with the people who engaged Him in discussion. He knew their hearts. He knew their circumstances. He spoke truth in love with kingdom in mind. We should strive to do the same. The culture needs the gospel not foolish platitudes.

Take a moment to read and reflect on what we have covered in Job so far. Have you ever been rebuked by a well-meaning friend? What was that experience like? Did your friend’s argument have merit? Did they come across as harsh or humble? Have you ever felt like life was futile? Can you remember how your relationship with God may have affected that particular season of your life? How did your faith help you through it? Have you ever preached to a friend in need instead of offering loving care and concern? What is the right approach to take when a friend suffering? What if the friend is suffering because of apparent wrong choices? Think about your closest friends. Take a moment to consider what sort of friend you are being to them. Are you loving? Patient? Judgmental? Talk with them and learn how you might be a better friend in times of trouble.
