There is no refuge from the wrath and judgments of God on earth. There is no place in the physical realm that will shelter us when God makes everything new. Our shelter and refuge are found only in the gospel, (the death, burial, and resurrection) of Jesus. We are born into an earthly citizenship, but we are born again into a heavenly one. Our heavenly citizenship empowers us to live free from the idols that lead us to destruction. Considering the judgment to come, believers must be diligent and urgent with the gospel entrusted to us.


What does this chapter show about the rise and fall of earthly nations? How are believers supposed to live in this world given the geographical and time limitations of every nation in history? How are we to be in the world but not of the world? Are you surprised by Isaiah’s reaction to the fall of Babylon? What about Jesus weeping over Jerusalem (Luke 19:41) and Paul weeping for his fellow countrymen who were lost (Romans 9:2)? What do these passages mean for us and how we view the lostness of the world around us? What does the fact that the Babylonians wanted to party the night they were conquered show us about human nature? How does this chapter motivate us to live a holy life in this present age? How does it point to the need to spread the gospel and be passionate about missions
