Jesus demonstrated His compassion, His love, toward us when at the cross He provided the means to the ultimate cleansing. We are able to experience His healing and forgiveness when we embrace the truth of what was accomplished at the cross—our salvation. We are then able to extend that compassion to others through the power of His resurrection.

For further consideration: Consider the people groups that are shunned today in a way that is similar to how lepers were avoided in Jesus’ day? How might we reach out to them and make a difference? How might our compassion be stirred to take care of those within our church family? How should we balance inward care with outward care? What is the significance of asking Jesus, “If you are willing?” Why is it theologically significant that Jesus actually touched the leper? If the leper’s miraculous healing changed what people expected from Jesus in His ministry, what, if anything, should we be doing that sets the expectations of people concerning Parkview’s ministry? Besides physical health, what did the leper gain from his encounter with Jesus? What do we gain?
