God knows that our best life is one of integrity, one that integrates our spiritual beliefs with our physical reactions and decision-making opportunities. Christ died so that we could deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him. There is no religious disconnect when it comes to the cross of Christ. Jesus went all-in to save us. He gave up everything. In His death, burial, and resurrection, we have the chance to live all-in for His glory and the glory of His kingdom.


Why do you think God was so offended by the efforts of Judah to seek an alliance with Egypt? How do non-believers seek self-salvation? How does that seep into Christian beliefs and behaviors? Why must we resist the urge to be satisfied with what we want to hear rather than what we need to hear? Read 2 Timothy 4:3-4. How important is it that believers be confronted often with the truth and power of the Holy One of Israel? How can we learn to rest more deeply and trust more fully in Christ? How does verse 19 urge us to call on the Lord in the midst of our afflictions? Why do we tend to hesitate and try to solve the problems ourselves? What can you do this week to help remove any religious disconnect in your life?
