A great temple stood in Ephesus (the temple of Artemis). In Jerusalem they had a great temple. But Paul says, through Christ, by the Spirit, there is a better temple; it is made up of people from every tribe and tongue. We are joined together and built together. Each one is related to the other in a special way, and we are all growing together in Christ. Practically, that means every person counts. We need one another’s time, talent, treasure, love, resources, encouragement, and rebuke. We are to live the Christian life together as a multiethnic temple, centered in Christ, rooted in the teaching of Scripture.

How does it affect you to remember your situation before you knew Christ? How are you encouraged by thinking about your new status? How do the first two points of our outline help you in preparing your own story? Would you be able to share the gospel form your own experience? How has the gospel in you impacted how you see other people? What, if anything, needs to change with regard to your willingness to love others, including people hat look different than you? Read through Ephesians 2:11-16 again. Write down the key words concerning Christ’s work and explain what those words mean and how they are to direct the way you think about and act towards others. What is the relationship between the two parts of the Great Commandment—to love God and love others?
