Under the new covenant, the church stands as the prophetic voice among the nations, and as such, should be willing to call out ungodly public and governmental policies that violate the nature and character of God. We need to be the voice of warning for the nations that seek to undermine the sanctity of life, sanctity of marriage, and the distinctions of identity of male and female, not because we want to violate any personal autonomy, but because those things are built into the created order and to fight against them is to fight against God.


Why is it vital that believers understand God’s sovereign activity over the nations? Is it surprising that Isaiah would reflect God’s compassion for these nations even as he is pronouncing judgment on them? Why is it necessary for believers to develop the same kind of compassion for others who are suffering under the judgment of God? Under the judgment of God, it seems that Moabites will seek refuge and help from Judah. What does this mean for the church regarding those who are lost and still in their sin, subject to the wrath and judgment of God? How do we apply this compassion individually rather than just corporately? What changes do we need to make in our lives so that we can tangibly demonstrate compassion towards those who need to experience it? What changes do we need to make so that we might exercise biblical hospitality towards those who need the gospel?
