The mission given to us by Jesus is to make disciples of all people. We introduce them to Jesus through the proclamation of the gospel. But disciple-making is more than an introductory handshake. It is more than baptizing. It is teaching and learning and applying the commands of Jesus. Spiritual maturity is a process that moves us deeper and deeper into our relationship with God as we systematize the commands of Christ with our minds and obey the commands of Christ with our hearts.

For further consideration:
Are there areas of your life in which you are spiritually immature and are thus still and infant in the faith? What are some steps that you can take to ensure you begin to grow in these particular areas? Do you feel you are currently growing in your faith or has it become stagnate? What excuses have you heard or used regarding one’s ignorance of biblical knowledge or spiritual understanding? How does today’s text address the excuses we usually give for our failure to grow in biblical literacy and spiritual maturity? How does this text frame your understanding of your role in the church? What are the fundamentals of the faith, and why are we so prone to forget the spiritual truths that have been taught? What is the difference between being childish and being childlike? What does it look like to be both childlike and mature at the same time?
