The problem with the prosperity gospel is not that it wants us to be physically blessed. God has promised that we will be. The problems with this false gospel are (1) it misunderstands life in a fallen world where the righteous suffer, (2) it bypasses Jesus who is the only one who has fulfilled these obligations, and (3) it doesn’t promise enough prosperity. The true gospel says that the faithful Son had his life cut short in the short run, but he was raised to an indestructible life to inherit the cosmos. We share in that inheritance, in that prosperity, but we have to know that it is only available in Christ.

Consider a time in your life when you were working towards a particular goal. How was your motivation before you reached the goal, and how did it change after you reached the goal? When Proverbs refers to binding them around your neck and writing them on the “tablet of your heart,” what is it referring to and how does it connect with the covenant God made with Israel? Identify the verses that describe an inward piety being reflected in outward obedience to the law. What steps do you need to take to make the most of the covenant relationship freely offered by God through faith in Jesus?
