When God gave his people the sacrificial system, he wasn’t giving them empty ritual to observe.
He was extending to them the gospel—the good news that by faith our sins can be forgiven and
we are invited to meet with Him. The sacrificial system was an invitation by God to learn about
and participate in the gospel. It was designed to point people to the sacrifice that Jesus would
make once and for all on behalf of those who believe. In Jesus’ sacrifice, God invites us to
experience the joy of salvation, the joy of fellowship with Him, and the joy of growing in His grace.

How was God central to Israel’s worship? How should He be central in ours? How might our
personal preferences displace God as the center of our worship? How did God invite people to
meet with Him? How does He invite you into His presence? What is the purpose of atonement?
Why do you think it requires death? Without faith, Israel’s worship became empty ritual. How do
you keep that from happening in your own worship? To what spiritual realities do the sacrifices
