Where the disciples saw a problem, Jesus saw an opportunity. He saw a chance to glorify God.
He saw a chance to demonstrate God’s power and sufficiency for not just our spiritual sustenance
but for our physical sustenance as well. When Jesus shows up, a desolate place becomes a place
of plenty. That is true for us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. When we are in an
emotionally desolate place because of the rigors of things like life, work, and relationships, invite
Jesus into that place, into the situation, into that care or concern. He can make any desolate place
a place of plenty. He can help us find satisfaction in any circumstance.

For further consideration:

What do you think was Jesus’ purpose in having the disciples report about their mission? What
benefit is there in sharing successes and failures with a group? Have there ever been times that
you were so tired you seemed to have no compassion? Are peoples’ felt needs sometimes
different from what they really need? How do we meet the physical needs of people without
turning our ministry into a “social gospel”? How do we advance the gospel of salvation without
neglecting the physical needs of people?
